6 IAS officers get new portfolios in Chhattisgarh

6 IAS officers get new portfolios in Chhattisgarh

Six IAS officers have been assigned new portfolios in Chhattisgarh. Bhuvnesh Yadav, Secretary, Higher Education, Women and Child Development, Social Welfare and Commissioner, Disabled, has been given the additional responsibility of Secretary, Department of Commerce, Industry and Public Enterprises, while Himshikhar Gupta has been made Special Secretary (Independent Charge), Cooperatives Department with additional responsibility of Special Secretary, Department of Commercial Taxes and Planning, Economic Statistics and 20 Point Programme. Similarly, Janak Prasad Pathak, will take over as Registrar, Cooperative Societies with additional responsibility of Director, Food and Civil Supplies; Satyanarayan Rathore has been designated as Director, Local Fund and Audit and he will continue to hold the charge of Registrar, Firms and Societies and Managing Director, Warehousing Corporation; Anurag Pandey has been made Special Secretary, Water Resources Department with additional responsibility of Special Secretary, Revenue and Disaster Management Department and Gaurav Kumar Singh has been posted as Officer-In- Charge, Rural Industrial Parks (RIPA) along with Joint Secretary, Panchayat and Rural Development Department.