Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Bhupender Yadav to lead Indian delegation to COP 27

Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Bhupender Yadav to lead Indian delegation to COP 27

Bhupender Yadav will be leading Indian delegation to attend the 27th Session of Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 27) scheduled to be held at Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt from 6-18 November, 2022.

India is fully engaged with the process and is supportive of the efforts by Government of Egypt for substantive outcomes at COP 27.

In the 56th Session of the Subsidiary Bodies held in June 2022 in Bonn, developing countries made it clear that UNFCCC is the centre of the collective and multilateral response to the issue of climate change. There must be a faithful, balanced and comprehensive implementation of the Convention and the Paris Agreement, in accordance with its goals and principles.