Six IAS officers get new responsibilities in Chhattisgarh

Six IAS officers get new responsibilities in Chhattisgarh

Six IAS officers have been assigned new assignments in Chhattisgarh. Namrata Gandhi has been posted as Joint Secretary, Government of Chhattisgarh, Mantralaya, while Prabhat Malik was designated as Collector, District Gariaband and Ravi Mittal takes charge as Chief
Executive Officer, District Panchayat, Raipur. Similarly, Mayank Chaturvedi has been posted as Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Raipur and given additional charge of Managing Director, Smart City, Raipur and Avinash Mishra has been posted as Chief Executive Officer, District Panchayat, Raigarh. Besides, Ankit Anand, Secretary, Energy Department holding additional charge of Chairman, State Electricity Company has been given additional charge of Secretary, Chief Minister, Chief Minister's Secretariat along with his present duties.