SAIL recognizes outstanding employees for extraordinary efforts

SAIL recognizes outstanding employees for extraordinary efforts

Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) gave away the SAIL Corporate Awards for Excellence 2020 today in a virtually conducted ceremony at the Corporate Office. The awards were given by Anil Kumar Chaudhary, Chairman, SAIL, in presence of the Functional Directors and CEOs. Felicitating the award winning employees, Anil Kumar Chaudhary said, “SAIL Corporate Awards for Excellence have been formulated with the objective to create a Company level platform for recognizing and awarding the exemplary performance and extraordinary contribution of the SAIL employees in various areas of operation. This initiative is undertaken with an aim to create an environment of nurturing excellence, recognizing the outstanding efforts and motivating the employees to strive for better”.
Recognizing, awarding, applauding and celebrating the extraordinary achievements of executives in SAIL at apex level will strengthen the motivational climate and inspire employees to accept new challenges and strive to go beyond in the discharge of duties.
During the award ceremony, Mrs Soma Mondal, Director (Commercial), Harinand Rai, Director (Technical, Projects and Raw Materials) and Amit Sen, Director (Finance) joined Anil Kumar Chaudhary at the Corporate Office and Anirban Dasgupta, Director I/c (BSP),
Amarendu Prakash, Director I/c (BSL), D Chattaraj, CEO - RSP and AV Kamlakar, CEO - ISP, DSP & ASP joined the ceremony via online mode from the respective Plants. The awards are given in three distinct levels viz. Best CEO of the year Award, Best ED of the Year Award and SAIL Corporate Awards for Excellence in ten categories. The Awards carry a cash prize, trophy and citation. Dipak Chattaraj, CEO, RSP was awarded the Best CEO of the Year Award for his exemplary vision and commitment towards taking the Plant to newer heights and setting benchmarks. The Best ED of the year award was jointly shared by LN Mallik, ED (L&I) and PK Dash, ED (Works), RSP. The other ten employees who received the SAIL Corporate Awards for Excellence in the ten categories were S Vashishtha, CGM, SSO for Safety Leader, Binay Kumar, GM (ETL), BSL for Cost Champion, Jitender Kumar, GM (SMS-III), BSP for Productivity Expert, Amit Kumar, AGM (INCOS), BSP for Innovation Architect, Rakesh Dhoundiyal, DGM (Marketing), RSP for Marketing Pundit, AK Pradhan CGM (Plate Mill), RSP for Motivation (People Leader) Guru, Ms Gomathi Jayaraman, GM (C&IT), CMO for Digitization Mastermind, Nirvik Banerjee, CGM (Quality), ISP for Research & Development Specialist, TG Kanekar, GM (Personnel), RSP for Communication Wizard and Ms Anupama Kumari, GM (Wire & Rod Mill), BSP for Women Trailblazer.