RINL employees corner glory at the ‘INSSAN 32nd National Convention’

RINL employees corner glory at the ‘INSSAN 32nd National Convention’

Indian National Suggestion Schemes’ Association (INSSAN) has organized it’s 32nd National convention on the theme: “Creativity & Innovation of Employees for Organizations Business success” on 2nd and 3rd February, 2023 at Scope Convention Centre, New Delhi. Six employees from RINL have been nominated to the convention to present their Suggestion and Technical Paper. All the Six participants from RINL have presented their case studies and received the prestigious INSSAN awards. Best Suggestor category: Under the best suggestor category, Sri V V Pavan Kumar Kotla, deputy manager from ES&F department and sri Y Appala Raju, senior technician from SMS departments of RINL, Visakhapatnam steel plant received the ‘par-excellence’ awards while Sri T. Venu, Manager (Operation), MMSM Department was presented the ‘Excellent’ award. Best Technical papers’ category: Under the best technical category, Sri Mohammed Abdullah, senior manager (electrical )from SMS department received the ‘par-excellence’ award, Ms. Ayantia Roy, senior manager from Corporate strategic management(CSM) department received the ‘Excellent’ award and sri Pravas Kumar Das, AGM from D&E department of RINL, Visakhapatnam steel plant received the ‘distinguished’ award from eminent dignitaries. Founded in 1987, Indian National Suggestion Schemes' Association (INSSAN) is a non-profit making registered Association of Industrial & Business Organizations, dedicated to the promotion of Employee Involvement through Suggestions/ Ideas. The Summit was organized by INSSAN with the objective of helping organizations in “Igniting the Minds of Employees” for being Creative & Innovative and also to support the organizations in nurturing “Creativity Culture” so that Creativity is institutionalized where each & every employee enjoys in giving Creative Contribution & Creative Value Addition to support the organizational objective of Business Excellence.