Piyush Goyal to attend G7 Trade Ministers’ Meeting in Osaka, Japan

Piyush Goyal to attend G7 Trade Ministers’ Meeting in Osaka, Japan

Piyush Goyal will attend the Group of Seven (G7) Trade Ministers' Meeting in Osaka, Japan from 28-29 October, 2023. The Minister will also have bilateral meetings with a few G7 countries, invitee countries and a few International organisations such as WTO, on the sidelines of the outreach programs.

Trade Ministers of G7 Member States hold an annual meeting with the aim to meet the current global challenges related to Trade and Investment and to set the course for a better future. Under its Presidency this year for the G7 Trade Ministers meeting to be held during 28-29 October 2023, Japan has invited India along with a very few other invitee countries (Australia, Chile, Indonesia, and Kenya) to participate in the outreach program to be held on 28 October. Apart from them, International organisations such as WTO, ERIA and OECD have also been invited.