IAS officers in Haryana reshuffled

IAS officers in Haryana reshuffled

The Government of Haryana has issued orders for the fresh posting of six IAS officers.
Jaibir Singh Arya- Deputy Commissioner, Bhiwani
Ram Kumar Singh- Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Panchkula
Ajay Kumar- Deputy Commissioner, Mahendragarh;
Vikram- Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Karnal;
Mahavir Singh- Secretary, RTA, Panchkula
Mohammad Ikram Raza- Additional Deputy Commissioner, Panchkula
Additionally, eight officers have been relieved from the charges of Secretary, RTA of the respective districts
they are currently designated in. The officers are: Anish Yadav, Manoj Kumar, Ms. Preeti, Uttam Singh, Rahul
Hooda, Prashant Panwar, Rahul Nanrual and Abhishek Meena.