G. Kishan Reddy launches India’s first 5G Training Labs and 5G health applications in all North Eastern States

G. Kishan Reddy launches India’s first 5G Training Labs and 5G health applications in all North Eastern States

G. Kishan Reddy, today launched India's first 5G training labs and 5G applications in health sector in all the eight North Eastern States.The project is centrally funded through North East Council (NEC) and being implemented by Assam Electronic Development Corporation (AMTRON), a PSU of Assam government. The event was also graced by Minister of State Shri B.L Verma, AMTRON Chairman, Shri Ramendra Narayan Kalita, Secretary DoNER, Mr. Chanchal Kumar, Secretary, NEC Shri Moses Chalai among other dignitaries.