Five IAS officers get fresh portfolios in Haryana

Five IAS officers get fresh portfolios in Haryana

Atul Kumar has been designated as Secretary to Governor, Haryana, where Amna Tasneem was posted as Director, Consolidation of Land Holdings & Land Records, Haryana, Special Officer (HQ) & Special LAO, Revenue & Disaster Management. Similarly, Phool Chand Meena, Director General and Secretary, Skill Development & Industrial Training and Employment and Secretary, Finance, was handed over an additional charge of Nodal Officer, CPGRAM PG Portal. Besides, Shyam Lal Poonia, Deputy Commissioner, Sonepat, will hold additional charge of the post of Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Sonepat during the training period of Jagdish Sharma, where Ms Priyanka Soni, Deputy Commissioner, Hisar, will also hold charge of Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Hisar during the training period of Ashok Kumar Garg.