Dr Jitendra Singh announces Nationwide Campaign for Submission of Digital Life Certificates (DLC) by Pensioners

Dr Jitendra Singh announces Nationwide Campaign for Submission of Digital Life Certificates (DLC) by Pensioners

Dr. Jitendra Singh, Minister of State for Personnel, PG and Pensions announced a Nationwide Campaign for Submission of Digital Life Certificates and use of face authentication app by Pensioners in the month of November. He said “in Amrit Kaal Period, a Digitally Empowered Pensioner would enable creation of a Digitally Empowered Nation.” Dr. Jitendra Singh said submission of Life Certificates is an important activity to be carried out by pensioners every year in the month of November (with special provision for pensioners aged 80 years and above to submit their Life Certificates in the month of October) to ensure continuity of their pension. In the traditional mode, pensioners had to present themselves before the Pension Disbursing Authority for physical submission of their Life Certificate which was inconvenient, particularly for the old, ailing and infirm pensioners. Further, there was no mechanism for the pensioners to get a status regarding updation of their Life Certificates in the records of the Pension Disbursing Authority.