Commerce and Industry Minister, Piyush Goyal reviews progress of PM GatiShakti

Commerce and Industry Minister, Piyush Goyal reviews progress of PM GatiShakti

Piyush Goyal, chaired a review meeting of the PM GatiShakti here today. The meeting deliberated the progress achieved so far and saw participation of various senior officials from M/o Railways, MoRTH, MoPSW, D/o Food & PDS, M/o Coal, M/o Steel, D/o Fertilizers, DoT, M/o Rural Development, and BISAG-N( Bhaskaracharya National Institute for Space Applications and Geo-informatics).

The meeting reviewed the status of the National Master Plan since its launch on October 13, 2021 and discussed plans for faster integration of data into the portal. With over 900 data layers updated by Central Ministries and 316 essential layers by States/UTs, the meeting took note of various Ministries/Departments using the same to share their proposed projects after having been mapped and aligned digitally.