8 DANIPS officers receive new postings in Delhi

8 DANIPS officers receive new postings in Delhi

Eight DANIPS officers receive new postings in Delhi. Sukant Shailja Ballabh has been posted as DCP/Security, while Kamal Pal Singh is now DCP/Land & Building and Rashmi Sharma Yadav was transferred as Addl. DCP-I/North District. Similarly, Harendra Kr Singh was appointed as DCP/HQ-III; Deepak Yadav as Addl. DCP-I/Outer District; Hareesh HP as DCP/Railways with additional charge of Legal Division and Vigilance; Vikram Porwal as DCP/General Administration and Dabhi Anand Dinesh Bhai takes charge as DCP/Supreme Court Security with additional charge of SPUWAC.