7 IPoS officers posted after elevation

7 IPoS officers posted after elevation

Seven Senior Administrative Grade (SAG) officers of Indian Postal Service (IPoS) have been elevated to Higher Administrative Grade (HAG) and given new postings. Col S F H Rizvi has been posted as CPMG, Haryana Circle after promotion, while Ambesh Prakash Upmanyu was appointed CPMG, HP Circle and Anil Kumar-II is now CPMG, Bihar Circle. Similarly, Puthalapattu Vidyasagar Reddy is CPMG, Telangana Circle; Ms Pratibha Nath was posted as Director, RAKNPA, Ghaziabad; Ms Mariamma Thomas as CPMG, North East Circle and Ganesh V Sawaleshwarkar is shifted as CPMG, Gujarat Circle after promotion to HAG of IPoS.