4 IAS officers get additional portfolios in HP

4 IAS officers get additional portfolios in HP

The Himachal Pradesh government has assigned additional portfolios to 4 IAS officers along with their current charges. Dr. Amandeep Garg, Secretary Personnel and Secretary, Forest, has been given the additional charge of Secretary, AYUSH, while Dr. Abhishek Jain, Secretary, Home & Vigilance and IT Secretary, Finance and Secretary to CM gets additional charge of Youth Services and Sports Department and Printing and Stationery and Rajesh Sharma, Secretary to the Governor, gets the additional charge of Secretary, Lokayukta and Secretary, Human Rights Commission. Besides, Ms Mansi Sahay Thakur, Labour Commissioner, will also handle the additional charge of Director, Tourism and Civil Aviation relieving Amit Kashyap of this responsibility who will now hold charge of only Managing Director, HP Tourism Development Corporation.