16 IAS officers get new portfolios in Punjab

16 IAS officers get new portfolios in Punjab

As many as 16 IAS officers have been given new portfolios in Punjab. Anurag Agrawal, ACS- cum-Financial Commissioner, Cooperation, will also hold charge of ACS, Medical Education & Research, while Raji P Shrivastava has been posted as ACS, Freedom Fighters and Vivek Pratap Singh, PS, Local Government, will also handle charge of PS, Health & Family Welfare. Similarly, Rahul Bhandari has been relieved of the charge of PS, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs and PS, Information & PR and will only hold the charge of Principal Resident Commissioner, Punjab Bhawan, New Delhi; Veerendrsa Kumar Meena has been relieved of the charge of PS, Freedom Fighters and PS, Health & Family Welfare and will continue to hold charge of PS, Printing & Stationery; Vikas Garg, PS, Transport, will also hold charge of Financial Commissioner, Forest & Wildlife Preservation; Sumer Singh Gurjar has been appointed as PS, Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare and in addition PS, Horticulture and in addition PS, Soil & Water Conservation; Gurkirat Singh Kirpal, PS, Secretary, Tourism & Cultural Affairs and Secretary, Mines & Geology will also handle charge of Secretary, Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs; Arshdeep Singh Thind, Secretary, Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare will also handle charge of Secretary, Horticulture; Mrs Ritu Aggarwal is posted as Secretary, Cooperation; Malwinder Singh Jaggi, CEO, Punjab Water Supply & Sewerage Board, has been assigned additional charge of Secretary, Information and PR and Secretary, Civil Aviation; Abhinav, Mission Director, National Health Mission, will also hold charge of Secretary, Health & Family Welfare; Pradeep Kumar Agarwal is made ME, Punjab Health System Corporation; Mrs Babita is posted as CEO, State Health Agency; Devinder Singh gets an additional charge of Director, Social Justice, Empowerment & Minorities and Puneet Goyal was shifted as Special Secretary, Home Affairs & Justice and in addition Controller, Printing & Stationery.