11 IAS officers get new portfolios in Punjab

11 IAS officers get new portfolios in Punjab

As many as 11 IAS officers have been assigned new portfolios in Punjab. Arshdeep Singh Thind has been posted as Secretary, Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, where Indu Malhotra is now Secretary, Forest and Wildlife and given additional charge of Secretary, Punjab State Information Commission and Dilraj Singh will take over as Secretary, Revenue and Rehabilitation. Similarly, Rajiv Prashar will be posted as Secretary, Lokpal, and in addition Secretary, State Election Commission; Gauri Parashar Joshi as Special Secretary, School Education; Tej Partap Singh Phoolka as Labour Commissioner; Apneet Riyait as Chief Administrator, Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority, Mohali, and in addition Director, Town and Country Planning; Girish Dayalan as Director, Governance Reforms and Public Grievances with additional charge of Special Secretary, Governance Reforms; Amarpreet Kaur Sandhu as Chief Administrator, Greater Ludhiana Area Development Authority, Ludhiana; Arun Sekhri as Commissioner, Patiala Division and Gautam Jain is now
Chief Administrator, Patiala Development Authority.